If you suffer from seasonal depression (like I THINK I do lol)...
then you must feel down everytime it gets dark at 4 pm...it breaks my heart...really it does... :(
Or when your poor car is covered in snow which you must clean with the sleeve of your jacket cause you took your brush out in the summer and forgot to relocate it...*tear*
sigh...what to do when old man winter comes and screws you over....
aahhh Guru has the answer of course! :)
Search up Baarah Maahaa Maajh written by Guru Arjan Dev Sahib Ji...
The months of "Poh" and "Magh" are particularily cold as they fall from December to February...
You can read up on Nanakshahi months and their dates here....if you like....
In the meantime...
pokh thukhaar n viaapee ka(n)t(h) miliaa har naahu
In the month of Poh, the cold does not touch those, whom the Husband Lord hugs close in His Embrace.
man baedhhiaa charanaarabi(n)dh dharasan lagarraa saahu
Their minds are transfixed by His Lotus Feet. They are attached to the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.
outt govi(n)dh gopaal raae saevaa suaamee laahu
Seek the Protection of the Lord of the Universe; His service is truly profitable.
bikhiaa pohi n sakee mil saadhhoo gun gaahu
Corruption shall not touch you, when you join the Holy Saints and sing the Lord's Praises.
jeh thae oupajee theh milee sachee preeth samaahu
From where it originated, there the soul is blended again. It is absorbed in the Love of the True Lord.
kar gehi leenee paarabreham bahurr n vishhurreeaahu
When the Supreme Lord God grasps someone's hand, he shall never again suffer separation from Him.
baar jaao lakh baereeaa har sajan agam agaahu
I am a sacrifice, 100,000 times, to the Lord, my Friend, the Unapproachable and Unfathomable.
saram pee naaraaeinai naanak dhar peeaahu
Please preserve my honor, Lord; Nanak begs at Your Door.
pokh suoha(n)dhaa sarab sukh jis bakhasae vaeparavaahu 11
Poh is beautiful, and all comforts come to that one, whom the Carefree Lord has forgiven. 11
So maybe this depression we feel is because we aren't near to Him...not near to the close embrace of His hug...that would make us warm and comfertable....perhaps we should seek his protection by joining the holy saints and sing...become a sacrifice to Him not once but 100,000 times...beg at His door and seek the carefree one's forgiveness....
Easy said than done....
Lets push away the snow and ice covering our minds and souls....underneath is the car that drives us all....
Ok...so that was cheesy....wanna fight about it?
Here's a cartoon...
(not very clear but I tried...)
p.s. oooo...is anyone else as excited for the release of iSikhi? I hope it comes soon....Click Me
haha... this cheered me up.
yes I'm a fruitcake :) YEY! and I like being loopy YEY!!
it's better than being sane and selfish, don't you think ;)
I'm happy happy happy now... :D
YEY! I'm glad you're happy happy happy and uumm loopy? lol (must be UK slang :S )
thanks for commenting...at least there's 1 person who still comes to this desolate place lol
Hey... I love you're blog! I don't visit frequently but I do when I can!! Keep it up.
ps. yeah loopy = uk slang
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